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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Chapter 5 by the gods

 But this had hit him hard then he started to connect the dots together   why as a kid he was taken

To   the family  temple   on the 20th august  every  year and  why he  paid obsence   to  the  dead  ancestors  at the river  but when  doing this Renjith always  felt an  immense  amount of  sadness   that overtook him  and many  a times  he would  break  down  for no  reason  what so  ever so much  so  that  he would  not be  able  to  attend the  function any more 

He also  noticed  that  the maternal  family  temple was  in a destroyed  state  he always   felt an  urge to discover why was  it like this.

Renjith briskly walked to the side of his computer   table and    grabbed    His maternal great granddad’s Dairy

He briskly  turned the page  to the  one dated 20th August  1920  it  was  date lined  from Jaisalmer  it  lacked the  natural  polished hand writing  that he  had come to  expect from his  Maternal great grand  father

Date: 20/8/1920

Dearest dairy,

It  is with  the utmost   sadness that I  write  this  to  you the  whole of  malabar is   in a state  of riot  the 

Same folk who we once called our own has turned against us wonder what has happened to our 


I am hearing terrifying tales of wanton riots in the whole of Lower malabar I worry for the safety of my wife and children 

As  I  am deputed  in  the Rajputana agency  at the court of  Jaisalmer  I am in  no condition to go   back  home  and be with them in  this hour of need 

By the  gods I  pray that  my  wife  and family are hale and hearty  I have  asked  for an  emergency leave  to  go and look for them

I am worried sick as the news that the papers carry from the south is darkening by the day gods dam the

Indian national congress and their brand of politics  

The so called freedom fighters have kept surprisingly mum on this issue

If they are doing this on purpose then mark my words a day will come when the people

Of this country shall ask about this incident and demand to know the truth

I also here that many who were formerly rich and prosperous to publicly beg for a piece or two in the streets of Calicut, to buy salt or chilly or betel-leaf

Why has this come to this   I don’t know but in no way is this justifiable?

I hope that His majesty’s government   met out the most severest punishment

To these thugs


SR Nair,

 Dty collector revenue department

State of Jaisalmer

Rajputana agency

Renjith was beyond shocked  now he was  so sad that he  started to  cry out  loud in anguish and despair  at the  shear helplessnes  that   was in  display   in  the dairy  entry  of  his ancestor In  a way he was angry too  because  he  was not  told about this  episode in the family tree

Now  Renjith   was angry as well  why  didn’t  his granddad tell  him about this  while  he was  crying and in the  grip of this  depressing  train of thought  he  felt a heavy hand of  a man he looked up to the most on his  shoulder

He turned around with the fury of a warrior in his answers to these things the grand old man spoke to the young one with the years of experience   that came with his age

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