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Saturday, November 26, 2011


they told me that a city in India is under attack

i asked which one they said Bombay

i asked them. again???

they said that it is a full fledged attack

I was shocked and dumbstruck

the Blood the Gore the fire the dead bodies

i saw it all on a box called the TV and followed it on the computer

that day what ever love i had for Pakistan Turned in to pure black hate

I cried I cursed i prayed that Pakistan shall drown in its own blood

today I a a changed person when i hear that Pakistan is suffering from terrorist attack i enjoy it

the Blood the Gore the fires all look like a wonderfully painted picture to me

but till today i am haunted some times by the faces of the young Jewish boy that lost all his family

by the relatives of all those who lost their lives

but even after that the Government and Sickulers talk about peace with Pakistan

i ask why ? why should we so that they can kill us even more ?

on a Bloody day in 2008

how  can you forget a day when all you  see is  the Bloody  orgy that is  the aftermath of  a  Terror attack  in the years After the attack  i  have  tried to  wrap my head around the fact that incident even happened  name  of  places  like 

gurago choppaty

breech candy

cafe Leopold

taj and oborio

chabad house

VT station

were etched in to  peoples memories in bloody gory details
and yet after that bloody  day  the  People running the  Gutter called politics in Delhi

said the usual things like "we  have kept all options open"

that is  a time that i  wished we were more like USA to kill every  bloody Bitch and dog in Pakistani military and agencies  for this but still this Bloody Government  is talking about having trade and aman ki asha and all this Bullshit

I can here the Spirits  of all the victims laughing at us  and asking us where is our justice
where is our revenge why didn't you avenge us

and all i can  say is  that I am  sorry we are ruled  by a bunch of  she males in Delhi who are
only concerned about their fucked up existence  and money in Swiss accounts

but as on this day the martyrs are remembered

there is a VIP in Aurthur road jail  how is having biriyanis and cokes at our expense

that Son of a bitch needs to be hanged asap  but  now people like Mukesh butt and  Bitch Roy Doggy Viagra Singh will cry Tears of blood for that asshole

i am sorry my dear brothers and sisters  i am sorry Mose Am sorry sandeep

i am sorry to all of you

we are run by a bunch of assholes  how do not have  Humanity in them

But as for Pakistan  Look at yourself now  feel the pain that we felt when we saw our loved ones were mode down  you shall see the Indus run red with bloody

the more Pakistan suffers i shall rejoice because she deserves it  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

viva la Preußens Gloria

this is a Prussian Richesware March song a March that is so inspiring that it makes me virtually to march on my seat  but then this is the  only link that the Morden world has with the  Grand  state called  Prussia a state that was like a whole army and a army that had a whole state

a state that produced the Junkers and among them  grate generals like  von runsted ,moltka etc
and a state that was killed by the allies as the root  cause of German militarism  Nut across the ages the Prussian states spakes to us . she says this  to us Please do not make the same  mistakes that I made

Golden memories that was NBR

The past week saw a lot of  Momentous  changes in my  work place  though these changes were set i motion a good 3 months previous and all  Knew that  it would hit us pretty hard but we still  were locked up in our world  your cute little world an virtual world but all this changed on 13.11.11as the PMT team were asked to move out along  with  the  QC DC team to the Former  offices of the Vessels detachment of the Engineering Department. and also a Person From the EDC team was deputed to Lamprell Dubai
we were split with EDC planning to be Integrated in to the Engineering Department On the second floor

Mr Joesph AkA: JJ is now  in the  Jebel ali facility

Adnan AKA : Mota  is  part of the  PMT team  that shifted to  Central Office

the NBR document control was one of a kind  if  i  may be Bold to say so  because we were like a family  all of us had our ups and downs our In's and outs  we Bonded together in face of trouble
this story however begins in 2009 when we were ordered to move to the New extension of the NBR division so we moved  i was at that time part of the  Final Documentation Team . but just after we moved In  I was terminated   irony no ??? but still i came back to the same  place  this  time as a Sub contract  document  controller  in place of  my Colleague  and that also on a temporary  basis  the next one year was  a year  of  hectic activity mad to say the least . then as one by one the Projects started shutting down  we began to cool our heels but in the Mid of  2010 i was hit by the greatest Tragedy (Heheheheh) the  AL Bzoom project what started out as a Four Month Project became  in to a epic  1 year struggle that project was my rite of Passage a Project that  turned me from a Boy to a man  from a Cry baby to a No nonsense in your face person .      now that that is  over and the one that followed is  also at an end it sounded the Nell for the NBR team . add to that the Fact that a competitor took over the Company makes it even more Bitter  But as my Friend told me  we shall  be still connected after all we came to this barren Dunes to work and earn money we have No choice  we are rather like Leaves on water we shall  be  carried  where ever we are carried by the Water But still
all of us shall look lovingly in to the past and see a team a family a Bound a friendship that lives on

maria Maria

This song is a classic  just the Bloody Guitar pice in this song is enough to make it one 
to me  this song is like a Hot Chocolate on a wet windy and dark after noon  just as smooth And haunting   but alas the wather is not as i say it is SO Sunny outside that I thinking that the summer hasnt gone yet  but apart from the wather It is still a wonderful song to here

Home sweet home

  i have finally  joined the  Blogging community as a member  but as  i take  my  first tentetive steps towards Blogging i  hope and pary that it  last