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Monday, June 12, 2017

Chapter 18 towards the future

Renjith looked at the clock of his laptop it was 4:06PM it was moody and cloudy out side

He  had a bit of  dejavu  he  was now  lost in thought  he  remembered  the  old days how an IAS aspirant  became  a business man and a multiple Pulitzer price wining author

He   rembered that life changing   discussion with his grandfather and his research 

As he was lost in thought   he felt a small hand come and close his eyes from behind

He smiled it was his son Arjun, Renjith smiled and peered his son’s hands from his eyes

All had happened quickly that Renjith felt that it had just happened yesterday 

His marriage with Bhairavi Singh was a shock to his family she was a Kachwa Rajput princess whom Renjith had fallen in love with

He proposed to her in the city palace at Jaipur which she duly accepted there was some resistance at first on both ends but then finally it was accepted and a whirlwind marriage of 21 days happened

Both Renjith and Bhairavi operated as a team they were so synced that each knew what the others were thinking

To the people she was like a goddess earning him the sobriquet Amma tampurati or Queen mother

She returned the love she got from her adopted subjects by playing an active part in the community

The Prince and princess had 3 more kids other than Arjun two more Boys Kartaveera Arjun and Vishnu Guptan and one Girl who Bhairavi named Gayathri Devi in honor of one of her ancestors the Queen Mother of Jaipur Gayathri Devi

As the years passed the prince was counted as one of the most brilliant business men India had ever seen with investments ranging from education to oil and gas

With wide ranging business interest the prince  spun off his foreign business interest under the name the Royal Malabar international  in time the for princes and princess grew in to well-groomed lady and gentlemen who were the  apple in the  eyes  of the people of kovilanagdi

Arjun eased in to his family business two of his brothers joined the defense services 

And rose to high positions within the service all were married to royal women

With Arjun and Kartaveera Arjun marrying from the same family as his mother and his younger brother marrying from the aristocratic family of dogras

Gayathri Devi was married to the family of Jaisalmer

With his kids settled and happy married Renjith and his wife withdrew one step at a time form the public lime light

As their respective ages had started to get to them unbenousend to any one

Renjith had made a quaint little cottage for him and his wife to retire to

He had Sanju draft up a will of transfer which invested all of the defacto powers in

His eldest son Arjun this was done after much debate within the family and after knowing the opion of the people

Everyone had agreed that Arjun would be the right candidate for the job 

After having drawn up the will the fateful day came when the sixth Prince and princess abdicated in favour of the younger ones

Renjith and biravi was in no way poor he had judiously invested in retirement plans for both him and her

So that they would be independent of their kids.

They had a happy life  in their  cottage in kodug from they used to visit their kids and  vice versa as Renjith and  Biravi were religious  they would travel to far off  pilgrimage sites like the harimadir sahib or the  vishno devi temple

They met their end while on a trip to Armarnath when terrorist ambushed the bus they were travelling but they were inseparable even in death as both had died while propecting each other from the shower of bullets

It also kind off seemed fitting in a macabre sort of way that Renjith and biravi were also killed by the same kind of ideology that had been the fuel for the Mappila riots all those years ago only the names changed the places changed but the idea and supporters hadn’t changed so in a way they were the latest victims of the Maphilla rebellion.


Chapter 17 the 6th lord

They say that every high is followed by a low Renjith was not low but devastated

He had lost his biggest source of support was gone his grand dad was dead

He had passed away in the dead of the night in his sleep truth be told Renjith thought that his granddad had a good and peaceful death

But still  a  loss is  a loss  no  matter how so  ever you look at it  as far as the  family was concerned a  grand old tree had fallen

Renjith was bought up in the English aristocratic tradition of the stiff upper lip

And that stiff upper lip was on full display as Renjith took total control of the situation

Arranging all the things needed for cremating and other death related rituals

But what showed his leadership the best was in dealing with the mourning relatives

And workers of the estate

16 days after the death of Sachindra Shanmukham Raman Nair the 5th prince of Vadakaka kolikal, Vadakan tirur kovilanagdi amsham, Eranadu

Renjith had been  busy with work  in the coconut plantation  that  was owned  by his family firm the Royal eranadu Group of he  got an urgent  call asking him to  come  back home 

When  he reached home  he saw his friend  Mr sanju standing along  with the head priest of  his family deity temple His holiness  Parameshwaran  standing and  discussing  some thing 

As Renjith approached the house he was greeted by the said gentlemen and his extended family

Sanju  who  was  now posted  as  Renjith’s Family  lawyer  handed  him a letter addressed  to him  by his late grand  dad 

But there was a difference in the tone in which he was handed over the letter by his friend

He opened his letter and started to read

Dear Renjith,

If you  are reading this letter that has been handed to you  by the family lawyer accompanied by the  head priest of our temple  then that means I have  departed from this mortal  world  and  have   gone  to join  my family in the realm of the dead

I just wanted you to know that you are now the 6th Prince yes you are a prince now 

Now I know that you will be thinking that what I can do with a titular position

What’s the use right?

No  dear you  are an  Important    part in  that  society  people our people  will  look up to you  for guidance and leadership

Do not fail them my dear Prince you have the strength of your ancestors with you and my blessings go forth and claim your destiny

Your coronation will happen on the exact date one year from now

You shall be crowned prince of Vadakaka kolikal, Vadakan tirur kovilanagdi amsham, Eranadu

Always remember a good leader is one who have conquered the hearts of the people

And earned their trust may the gods guide you


The Right Honrable Sachindra Shanmukham Raman Nair the 5th prince of Vadakaka kolikal, Vadakan tirur kovilanagdi amsham, Eranadu ICS/IAS/IFS

Days passed quickly for Renjith 2018 came to  fast for his liking and  so did the 20th of November  but the real reason was that he had been real busy in looking after the family and its  business  interest  that he hadn’t noticed  that time flew by him

The day came fast it was a grand ceremony with elephants and people  from all over  Kovilanagdi  gathering at the old palace at tirur the people were awe struck at the condition of the “old” palace it was truly renovated and bought up to speed

It stood up to its designation as a palace

A herald came up to the assembled crowd and said presenting

His Most serene Highness the Right Honorable Renjith Raman Nair the 6th prince of Vadakaka kolikal, Vadakan tirur kovilanagdi amsham, Eranadu

He was flanked by his extended family and friends he sat with the élan of a true king

Renjith silently made a vow to protect his people no   matter what the cost 

He was now the 6th Lord of the house of kovilanagdi

After the coronation the young prince   returned back to his world duties as the MD and chairman of the royal Eranadu Group

He  followed  the same  work  ethic  as his  granddad  hard  work and spirituality went  hand in  hand  for  the prince

Under  his tutelage the  RE group diversified in to  a multitude  of  industries  including but not limited  to logistics,  supermarket  chain under the name  of  farm yard  which  specialized  in providing “Naturally” grown  products  from vegetables  to meat 

He also diversified in to plantations, shares, defense manufacturing and financing

Renjith was also named the Founding chairman of the northern Tirur Commercial bank which was sponsored by the central bank of India

He saw to it that the Royal Eranadu Group became the biggest employer in the area 

The Sachindra Shanmukham Raman Nair memorial  school  was also  established  by a  generous  gnat from  the 6th  prince  and soon a  state of the art college  and hospital  was  also added

All this won him the affection of the people and the 6th Lord had truly earned his place in the hearts of his subjects and of the greater state as a man of the people

The future was indeed looking rosy and hopeful 

But in between all this Renjith never forgot his mission for justice for the   victims of the malabar rebellion

He  constantly tracked  the government and   applied  force  in  nonviolent means  to get  the recommendations  of the malabar  commission  implemented on the ground

He did his own little  things like he  upgraded  his  blog the   Clarion call to a  full-fledged   website  he published  his  resrech as book  under  the  name  of malabar 1920 a revisit which  garner him  wide  acclaim   with the book  going in  to  no  2 in the  Penguin must read collection he also  released a Malayalam  translation of the same  under the same name this time  published by DC  books  of Kottayam

Such was the depth of the research that his books were designated must read as a supplementary to BA in Kerala History by the University of Kerala

But as fame came calling Renjith still remained the same old down to earth person that his family and his subject loved over all he still remembered the words spoken to him in absentia by   his predecessor His granddad it echoed to him “Always remember a good leader is one who have conquered the hearts of the people And earned their trust”

Thinking such the young prince drifted to sleep

Chapter 16 in the courts

Early next morning   Renjith woke up and prepared the Preliminary case bulletin a and emailed it to sanju.

Sanju was stunned at the  detail encased in the bulletin what shocked him even more was  that Renjith wanted to apply chapters of the IPC  not sections as in other cases

These chapters where as follows

Chapter VI sections 122 thru 130 except sections 125 and 126

Chapter V A section 120B

Chapter V sections 107 thru120

Chapter VIII Sections 153,153A, 153B

Chapter XV Section 295,295A thru 298

Also including chapters XVI, XVII & XXII

Sanju elaborated on the bulletin and registered the case in the Supreme Court            

The case was to be heard by the Honorable court on the next day

To say that the case caused a stir would be putting it very lightly

The case caused a shockwave in the media an article in a leading

Newspaper summed it up the best it red “malabar 1920 a rebellion or a riot? New case set to ask haunting questions on the so called rebellion”

The  court room was  nothing short of  a tether  with prosecution counsel  Sanju tearing in  to  the defence  lead by some of  the  most  eminent lawyers of the  land 

The defence  was trying its best to get the whole case quashed  citing the same doubts that had haunted sanju but the  defense  counsel made strong arguments to the  counter

The drama was not only limited to the court room the hashtag #Justiceformalabr was the top trending in twitter for the duration of the case

Both Renjith and sanju found themselves at the center of a lot of attention both good and bad

Mostly bad since they had dared to take on the system they often ridiculed by a section of the media

The situation in the court room was also not that different for sanju everything that he had earned and got was on the line

The defense was stooping to new lows every day it even went till the extant to call the evidence presented by sanju as false and fabricated 

With almost borderline personal attacks but through all these two men stood firm and also had the support of their respective families

But on the other hand they were hailed as the defenders of the truth by most of the rightwing leaning section of both the mainstream print and social media

Such was the  Public  interest generated by the case that the court not only  forwent its winter brake but also constituted a special bench  headed by the chief justice of  India  to hear the case   at Calicut the  central  government  on advice  of the attorney general and consolation with the supreme court upgraded this  bench to a judicial commission it  was  known as the   Malabar commission

The commission through its special reporter Mrs. Sheba the commission poured over mountains of archival material as most of the victimized   families was long dispersed 

It was hard and long process and to add to that the resistance encountered by the reporter   in areas affected by the riots from the local population was enormous

And in some places violent  but the special  roving reputure  made submitted the her report to the chair of the commission at Calicut  on the 6th of November  2017

the commission further  submitted its findings  to the court  the Honrable court communicated that he final verdict  would be passed on the 20th of November 2017

Both Renjith and sanju were by now   media darlings and were comfortable with the media glare that this case had bought in to their lives   but behind it all both men were

Nervous wrecks on the impending   final verdict of the case on the day of the verdict the   both the parties were present at the court and the Honrable bench red out the verdict

“Let it be known that in the Renjith Sachindra Raman Nair V/s others case 

Case 2021/12/2017delivered on the 20th day of the 11th month of the year 2017

The honorable court delivers the following judgement

That the defense  having failed  to convince the court comprehensively on the non-validity of the  case  the  court  took up the case and after  much  thought and deliberation  have  come to the conclusion in the light of the  report of the commission  thus constituted along  with the  special additional report  by the commissions  special roving reputure who visited the said areas

The court orders that following measures be taken

1.      the victims  of the  said rebellion  be remembered  through a memorial

2.      a complete database be  made of the  victims

3.      the  state government remove the status of freedom fighters  from any remaining members   actually involved in the said  rebellion

4.      the political parties in question  are to  delete all reference to the said rebellion as part of the wider national struggle

5.      the victims families shall be paid a onetime payment of 10 cores as compensation payment

6.      all  properties thus found to be illegally claimed and  legalized post-independence remains quashed the lands are to  be  returned back to the descendants of the said  family albite under norms of the  land ceiling acts in force

Finally the court would like to put on record its appreciation for both Mr Renjith and Mrs. Sheba for their respective dedication in their fields 

The court also likes to make a special mention of its appreciation of both the defense and prosecution lawyers for their spirited defense of their respective case

The court stands adjourned in the case

The following verdict came as a shock to the establishment in the malabar region overnight many “rich” Families lost their houses and estates as the effects of the case were discussed surprisingly even on   Pakistani news channels with a certain Hamid crying horses about the how the Hindu banyan has struck once again and how unjust India was to his brethren

While all this was happening Renjith was sound asleep in his home in the arms of victory and safe in the knowledge that he had won his war for justice not only for his family but particularly for his grand old man

But little did he know that the grand old man had passed him the mettle of the chief of the family that night

Chapter 15 justice at last

Renjith looked at the  clock it was only  10:16 pm he thought just then he  had  an idea  why not take  all the research he had  done  to  the courts  and  force the government to acknowledge the victims of this barbarity and  build them  a  memorial .

He searched through his contacts list looking for a   suitable friend to look in to the legal side then it struck him.

He took his mobile and rang up Mr Sanju chandran an ace lawyer and a close friend of his   the two had met coincidently during their time at the Victoria College at Palakkad.

There was only one issue the man  was a  wild  card and his busy schedule  meant that getting him was a hit and miss  affair , but still  Renjith  gave a try he  dilled the number and got a busy tone  at first ,  he kept the mobile  and waited and tried at sanju’s home .

This time he was lucky sanju picked up the phone and started to speak

“Hello Sanju chandran speaking how may I help you

Renjith:  hi man renju here

Sanju: o hi man long time no see how are you man?

Renjith: I am fine what about you?

Sanju: I am fine dear

Renjith :man I need a  favour  I wanted to  know  which  all sections of  the IPC cover the act of  rioting ??

Sanju: why are you going to appear for your bar exams?  Just joking

Renjith: no man this is for a serious matter you remember the project I told you about ya the one about the malabar rebellion I am planning to launch a case against two prominent parties for their role in covering up the brutalities   that was committed in the name of the independence movement

Sanju  was stunned  to silence his friend wanted to  file a case against two prominent political parties   was he out of his mind or had he gone  bonkers he  though Renjith wanted to dig up  a case  where most of the criminals were dead or  dying and were designated  “freedom fighters” and over that the bugger wanted to make two of the oldest political parties as parties to this case sanju knew that the case would be massive this  was what he called a  name maker  or a name barker case and he was always a risk taker .

While he was absent in this thought he heard Renjith calling him “brother you there??

I know what the hell you are thinking why is this guy going to dig up long dead cases and waste the courts and your time right?”

Renjith continued “it will not  be  a  waste I  swear this  case will  be land mark case in your career and the  legal history of this country look at it  from a  humanitarian   point of view  man this is  about bringing peace to the  victims of a long forgotten tragedy 

It is to give them justice at last what do you say man?”

After a few seconds that felt like eons for Renjith the line on the other end crackled to life

 Fine I will take the case as for your query this very case will have a multitude of sections covering it but as for rioting it is covered by section 146 of the Indian penal code

Renjith was filled with joy and thanked his friend profusely he told sanju that he would provide him with a prilimery case bulletin and along with the chapters under which this case should he fought  

 Who knew that with this conversation the rusted wheels of justice would be set in motion for a forgotten set of people who lost their lives in a largely forgotten rebellion that was but a foot note in Indian History?

Chapter 14 Coming to terms

It has been  9 months sinces Renjith  had started this  project of his he had  dug up a lot of   skeltons  in the  process

But he knew  could not stop it any longer he had resolved   himself to fight for the deceased and wronged of malabar

For him  he  had come  to  see this  as his sacred  duty  not only to his  family but also  to  the thousands  of  families that  lost a lot in that dance of the  macabre  called so coolly  as  the malabar rebellion

To  this  end he  started   a  blog  on  the web called  the  clarion call he made a pain statking blog of all that he had  studied about the malabar  rebellion

Renjith had been shook to the core   the transformation  was  plain to  see 

He  asked  uncomfortable  questions  about the rebellion and also  started pages on

Social media sites  questioning the  official  version of the  rebellion

at this  time  he  had  abandoned  his IAS aspirations  and dived in  to  historical  enisles of the malabar rebellions

He was  now more  involved in  the family business and spent more time  at the home  tending to  the commercial interest of  the family

But   finally Renjith had come to terms  with loss of a generation of a  family

Though he could  still  come to  terms with the hushed  hused  tune that the  Hindu victims were attributed

As if they were the perpetrators and not the victims

Chapter 13 roots

He reached the dining room of his home and gestured   for everyone to listen to him

He spoke with command in his voice “tomorrow I and grandfather are going back to tirur”

This sent shock waves albite solemn and silent one   through the family Renjith had uttered the T word   but everyone knew that Renjith once decided can’t   be turned back from his decision

So they   quietly agreed to the proposal   but as always there was bound to be a voice of descent  

This time it was his cousin Ram Nair who considered this all just a folly 

 He jeered at Renjith   as he spoke “well   why we are going behind some Oldman’s

All  this is a waste of time  and money  why  the heck  do we care  those who are dead  are  dead  and besides  they  were  just oppressive  despots who had it coming for  them and their  women folk and besides it  hastened  the end of British rule

So I see the  rebellion as a good thing  and  the  freedom  fighters  who died as true martyrs  so yes  I don’t support this ill-conceived  sham of an  expedition”

To this tirade Renjith reacted with a simple quote

“Beware those who twist history shall themselves be twisted by history”

And made his way to his room for some sleep

 Early next morning Renjith was on his way to his ancestral home grounds or what used to be his ancestral   home as he and his grandfather made their way to area Renjith was unnaturally silent

It seemed that the weather was also mirroring his mod as   dark  clouds crowded the horizon  waiting  on the car stereo he switched on to his favorite song

In between all this   he took out a photoset of an article   from an old defunct newspaper called the Liberator dated of 26th August 1926

"The original resolution condemned the Moplas wholesale for the killing of Hindus and burning of Hindu homes and the forcible conversion to Islam. The Hindu members themselves proposed amendments till it was reduced to condemning only certain individuals who had been guilty of the above crimes. But some of the Moslem leaders could not bear this even. Maulana Fakir and other Maulanas, of course, opposed the resolution and there was no wonder. But I was surprised, an out-and-out Nationalist like Maulana Hasrat Mohani opposed the resolution on the ground that the Mopla country no longer remained Dar-ul-Aman but became Dar-ul-Harab and they suspected the Hindus of collusion with the British enemies of the Moplas. Therefore, the Moplas were right in presenting the Quran or sword to the Hindus. And if the Hindus became Mussalmans to save themselves from death, it was a voluntary change of faith and not forcible conversion—Well, even the harmless resolution condemning some of the Moplas was not unanimously passed but had to be accepted by a majority of votes only."

As his mind was lost in the cross examination of the said article he heard his

Grandfather call out to him that they had reached the place

As he stepped out of the car it started to rain heavily but some how 

Renjith did not want to   go fetch an umbrella he just wanted to enjoy 

For him and his grandfather   they were at their roots 

They didn’t mind getting wet at all in the rain as both the men stared at the desolate mansion 

Renjith had an urge to explore   the remains as for the older man it was a macabre home coming 

As both crossed the precinct of the ancient house the outer courtyard was covered in all kind of weeds and grasses

But standing proudly   in between all this was a square walled holy basil shrub

As they crossed the threshold of the entrance they saw that the home was stuck in a

Time warp  with  it becoming an in veritable  time capsule  for  Mr. Nair  it was  like he had  stepped  back to his  childhood 

For Renjith here was where the bloodiest chapter in his family’s history was written

As he  continued straight on  he exited  out the back off  the house leading  right to the well and a bit  further on he found that the  house  had a  small serpent shrine and

A great bath somehow neither Renjith nor his father wanted to go but they knew they had too

As they were about to leave Renjith inadvertently knocked open a door 

The older man recognized it as his room all was still there all the furniture that was needed for a set of princes and princesses

As they gingerly entered the room they found a picture frame with all the members of the extended family that was killed in the genocide 

Mr. Nair took that photo away with him as a keepsake  

As both the gentlemen made their way to the car it was still raining

As Renjith drove of he could swore he saw a women standing and staring at them

From the front verandah he quickly   stopped the car and looked back but there was no one there

He thought that it was just a delusion   that happened to him because he had been involved in this project with all his heart 

he  closed the driver side door and  carried  on back  to his home  but in  his mind the fore lone  face of that lady on  the verandah would stick with him  for a long time

At that time he took a solom vow   to get back this house and the adjoining estate no matter whatever the cost

Chapter 12 Insult to injury

Renjith woke up the next   morning  after his  daily  rituals which  surprisingly   which included a visit to  the family  temple he  had changed   he  had become more religious and more concentrated  on  family matters

He had a gut feeling that his grandfather was grooming him to take over the   family  

But he decide to play along all that aside he reached   for his grand dad’s dairy from 1971

He started to read the same

Dear dairy,

Today is  a  black day in my life not only mine but  every  victim of  the  malabar rebellion of 1920-23 today the  government of  Kerala  yes my  home state  has  notified that due to its magnitude and extent, that it was an unprecedented popular upheaval, the likes of which has not been seen in Kerala before or since. And that while the Mappilas were in the vanguard of the movement and bore the brunt of the struggle, the fact that several non-Mappila leaders actively sympathized with the rebels' cause, gives the uprising the character of a national upheaval therefore the Government of Kerala officially recognizes the active participants in the events as "freedom fighters".

That is not all The Variyankunnath Kunjahammad Haji memorial town hall which will be built in Malappuram Municipality shall be   named after the leader of the rebellion while the Tirur Wagon Tragedy memorial town hall will commemorate the incident. The Pookkottur war memorial gate will be dedicated to those killed in the Pookkottur battle

They  call the death of 67 rebels as a tragedy  so what about my mother my siblings  and my  siblings the thousands  of  dishonored  women and flayed men the number of  dishonored  temples 

Wasnt that a tragedy for these people?

Or is it ok because it was the Hindu that bore the brunt of this barbarity???

A spific case comes to mind when I   write this entry was not mere fanaticism, it was not agrarian trouble, and it was not destitution, which worked on the minds of Ali Musaliar and his followers. The evidence conclusively shows that it was the influence of the Khilafat and Non-co-operation movements that drove them to their crime. It is (his which distinguishes the present from all previous outbreaks. Their intention was, absurd though it may seem, to subvert the British Government and to substitute a Khilafat Government by force of arms. (Judgement in Case No. 7 of 1921 on the file of the Special Tribunal, Calicut.)

But  I hope  that one  day  the wrongs  that were committed on  us  will  be  bought to light

And the restless spirits given closure and deliverance from their pain


S.S. Raman Nair

This  was not  all even  after  years  of  this barbaric  revolt  Renjith found it  hard to stomach  the  fact that

The Maphillas and  not the Hindus  were the  heroes and the victims he found it  confusingly   bizarre that history would  be  twisted in such   a  brutal and sick  way  but  what  he  felt  even more sickening  is the  fact that

There was that such lies were being taught to young kids   because it was the “truth”

He felt that this was wrong   no  he  knew it  was  wrong   and  from now on he  would  no  stone unturned  to deliver justice  to  the  wandering souls of the  victims  of the  so  called rebellion

He  promised on  his life  and walked  a head to  announce the same to  his  extended  family  who had now  settled in  the grand dining room of  his ancestral palace.   

Chapter 11 Restart

Renjith spoke to his grandfather about his Mysore   interlude as he called it  

But he wanted to know about life after the rebellion and how was the family bought back again from the brink of destruction

 He asked his   grandfather for some answers

His grandfather spoke to him yet again “when I joined on the 10th of September 1920 my first days at the Mysore maharaja’s was horrid to speak in very polite terms

But latter on became the best 3 years of my life  

Classes  used to start at  sharp  8 and  we  had a   highly   regimented  class system I very  soon  was the talk of the  class 

As the son of the Chief sectary to the H.H. the maharajahs government of Mysore I was bound to the   most popular   but that was not the only factor that made me popular

My grades we very good bordering excellent and all

We had a wonderful house at the start of brigade road but it was lonely there

We both missed my mother and others my brothers and sisters who had their life cut short by the blade of a mad rebel or rebels “

Then finally when I passed out at the top of my class with honors in BA political incense in 1923

Father sent me to study law at the inner temple after being called to the bar at the Inner temple in 1929-30

I wrote my civil service exams passing my prelims and secondary papers and awaited for the results

As the war had started at that time I was instructed by my father to take over administrations of our estates

Father    had asked our PC   to draw up a title deed for the transfer of vested powers of admiration to my name

Finally I returned back to my home town and took up the reins of the estate

As the 5th prince of Vadakaka kolikal, Vadakan tirur kovilanagdi amsham, Eranadu

Due to the  war  I was inducted  as  a uncoveted  civil services officer  and was  made the  SDM of malabar district    as Collector, during those days a  collector was the head of the revenue organization, charged with registration, alteration, and partition of holdings; the settlement of disputes; the management of indebted estates; loans to agriculturists, and famine relief. As District Magistrate, he exercised general supervision over the inferior courts and in particular, directed the police work. The office was meant to achieve the "peculiar purpose" of collecting revenue and of keeping the peace. The Superintendent of Police, Inspector General of Jails, the Surgeon General, the Divisional Forest Officer and the Chief Engineer had to inform the Collector of every activity in their Departments. It was hectic 

Brick by brick I and my dear father  built our  family and lives  back up again

Rupee by rupee we stabilized our  family judiously  investing in financial stocks 

In land and businesses to the sheer dismay of the uspers of our thorn the so called Khilafat sultan   we came back ten times stronger and prouder than before to be what you see today

But it was not the same for all   some families were completely wiped out no more

Traces of them other than Oldman’s tales but for me those are not tales

Those were my friends and class mates and sisters all gone for ever

No one to cry for them how true it is that “history is written by the victors and no one listens to laments of the defeated and vanquished”

Chapter 10 Exodus

Renjith’s grandfather   approached him the next morning and spoke to him “you see now why I could speak kanada and   tulu   so fluently   don’t you

Let  me be  very frank  with  you I  was not  at all  happy with  my father’s   decision  to  move me  to Mysore 

But I didn’t speak a word against it may be because I was starting to feel lonely and

Sad due to fact that I missed my mother and my other siblings 

But I feel that interlude in Mysore was the one thing that changed my life

For the better at first all I wanted was revenge then it turned in to a drive to excel

My father used to say if you work hard your mother’s soul would be happy and contented

My Mysore interlude also saved me from becoming   involved in the left wing politics that had come to dominate our areas during the period

But all this could not mask the fact that our family was irreparable broken   and it would take   an eon to make it all right “

And for  that  I had to  bare this enforced exodus  I was one of  the thousands  of Hindus

 of malabar that let our birthplace in the face Of   wonton barbarism of people  

whom we thought as our own but we had to live in the face of it all

everyone talks about the great bloodletting  called  the  portion  or the 1984 and Sikh riots  or the  exodus of the Kashmiri pundits from Jammu and  Kashmir in 1988-90 I  know how  it feels like  because 

the blue print for all these atrocities was the malabar rebellion of 1920-23 but no one will talk about us 

or our silent exodus or the barbarities we witnessed”

Chapter 9 Broken families

It has been a week since Renjith had red the dairy entry that his great grandad wrote 

In  his spare time he  would  close his  eyes and  think  what  might  have   went through the  families  that went through this ordeal  ???

He shuddered to think of the orphans and widows   that this incessant bloodletting had 

 And frustrate him   due to the fact that the person who was to shock him was none other than the father of the nation

Unknowing this the young man took   the dairy yet again   and turned to a page to revel an entry that would shake him even more

Date: 2/9/1920

Dear Dairy,

I  dont know  what  should  I do  should I cry of the pain  or  get myself  admitted  to  an  Insane  Asylum

The so called paragon of peace is nothing but a wolf dressed in sheeps clothing 

Apparently that dastardly two faced liar not only tacitly approved of this genocide but had the Gail to justify this most 

Barbaric of acts he has   the vanity of calling those who destroyed my family 

Among the bravest in the land. They are brave God-fearing Moplas who were fighting for what they consider as religion and in a manner which they consider as religious. Whilst I was in Calcutta, I had what seemed definitive information that there were only three cases of forced conversions ... but I do not think it seriously interferes with Hindu-Muslim Unity.

To   hell with Hindu Muslim unity if this is the kind of unity he wants 

It sickens me to write but I end this horrid dairy entry with some simple but haunting questions

If not the rebellion who is responsible for the death of 1500 of my brethren?

If not the madness who is responsible for 2000 force full conversions??

All these questions will have to answered 

And you Mr. Gandhi shall be judged by fate herself this I promise


Shanmukham Raman Nair

This was the moment that Renjith’s mind snapped for him this was the time he had to face the bitter truth

He called in to question the whole histyograph that was thought to him

All his life he had labeled himself a secularist and had represented the 

Classical nehruvian   string of though so much was he deeply wedded with this thought that he would 

Sly anyone who he saw as a right winger   with what he thought as “facts”

But after reading this all that was called in to question

With raging anger and doubt in his mind he proceeded to read the dairy once more

Date: 6/9/1920

Dear Dairy,

I have asked my remaining relatives to send for   my son to move with me

The young boy might be living through a hellish nightmare now

I have arrange for his admission to the Maharaja's College in Mysore

As I have also been transferred as Chief sectary to the H.H. the maharajahs government of Mysore

I am supposed to report in a months’ time this will be welcome change to my dearest son

As this will allow him to start a new   in a foreign land and me himself busy 

I   wish that he   follows me in to the ICS   but then I think he is the master of

His own destiny

But I   do  pray to  god  that  he has the  courage to  face  up  to life  

My  dear  boy  has  gone through  a lot and  I feel  like a monster   for  putting him through this   but then he  needs a change


Shanmukham Raman Nair

Renjith was once again lost in thought   he closed his eyes and thought of the exodus that his grandfather had to face as a young man 

And drifted off to a fitful sleep

Chapter 8 Causalities

Yesterday’s report reading had left Renjith more determined to get to the end of this and bring closure to the families of the victims

As he arranged previous reports and data that he had researched and collated,

He reached for his great granddad’s dairy once again   but this time he had an ominous feel to it

But yet he gulped on and opened it any way

Date: 28/8/1920

Dearest dairy,

I dont know what to say I have lost it all everything has been lost my family has been ripped apart

Thanks to the Khilafat movement.

And to its goons   they buried my dreams and wishes in the courtyard of my home

Here she sleeps like a bride waiting to be awoken by a kiss

Here they sleep like princess and princes after a long days play

With them shall my soul lay in wait for my body to join in eternal slumber?

And union till that day dawns   I shall wait painfully and do all my duty

As dictated by fate

But yet in all this gloom there is one ray of hope I can cling to my youngest son

 Has survived by some miracle of the gods 

But I know I shall not see her again never feel her

Here her whine and croon again never see her kiss me through squinted eyes

My lady my love my other half

How have I failed to save you from the bestiality that was trespassed on you?

I can’t describe   the form I saw you in your head chopped of your eyes those black deep eyes gouged out

Cut marks on your body   those monsters didn’t spare in death I saw   they violated you in the vilest form

Our kids were just chopped up and scattered in the courtyard

Today the old Shanmukham Raman Nair Is dead

It is my rebirth today 


Shanmukham Raman Nair

Renjith was pained to see the transformation of man pressurized by fate and circumstance from a happy go lucky   person to a stoic no-nonsense hard working aristocrat who never showed any emotion what so ever

Sachindra Shanmukham Raman Nair placed his hand on his grand child and spoke

“ Now you see  why  my father was so  aloof  when you asked question  he was what you might call  a quintenssenal  Victorian  gentlemen  who buried there pain and sufferings within himself  and  moved on with their life

In those days it   was not considered proper for a man to show his emotions there for he dedicated himself to his job and rebuilt the family

He was a wonderful man turned to stone by the rebellion

You could say that the greatest causality of any conflict was the jovial mind my father is a prime example of a physiologically dead person

Look closely you can see that he has changed his handwriting to my mother’s”

 Renjith was reminded yet again that it was true the first causality was always the inner person and by changing his handwriting to that of his wife’s his great grandfather was tenuously holding on to her distant memories for hope and comfort  

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Chapter 7 the bloodshed

Renjith looked at a bundle of papers that was titled as the

Preliminary report in to the malabar rebellion 1920-38

Authored by the Commissioner (Law and order) Lower Malabar Range 

Southern region Malabar district

Madras Presidency

The Honorable Madras High Court, which has adjudicated in this matter, and has passed judgements on each of the cases against the various Moplah rioters who were captured. The nature of crimes committed, need scrutiny from people, and so has been committed to this article for the world to see and reflect. The nature of crimes was so macabre, that even the author of this report is confounded that even fanaticism cannot answer such brutality.

The Special Judge who tried the case against the Moplahs remarked, " my mind these murderous attacks indicate something more than mere fanaticism or lust for looting. There is no evidence that the murders were committed because the murdered persons refused to embrace Islam, or resisted the rebels, or refused to show property. The rebels seem to have meant to kill every male in the place whom they could catch hold of, and the only survivors were those who either got away or were left as dead...

  • "A respectable Nayar lady at Metatur was stripped naked by the rebels in the presence of her husband and brothers, who were made to stand close by with their hands tied behind. When they shut their eyes in abhorrence, they were compelled at the point of the sword to open their eyes and witness the rape committed by these brutes in their presence."[22]
  • "Kerala Patrika, Wednesday, March /, 1922. The story of the death of Krishnan Nair will melt even the stoutest heart. He had rendered much help in arresting the rebels. This rankled in the mind of the Moplah and he was killed. First the skin was peeled off from his body, below the waist. He had to suffer this pain for some time. Then his two legs were cut off from the body. He had to suffer pain from this for some time. Ultimately his neck also was cut off.
  • Instances are mentioned in which Hindus had actually been forced to dig their own graves before being butchered. It is also reported that diabolical reprisals are being perpetrated against all persons known or suspected of supplying pro- visions to the military and police, one report stating that the Chembrasseri Tangal had ordered a Hindu to be flayed alive for supplying troops with milk.
  • An Orgy of Murder. Avokker Musaliar,a rebel leader, established himself with a large following in Muthumana Illom, in Puthur Amsom, Calicut Taluk in October and November 1921.Whoever refused Islam were incontinently and irrevocably ordered to be put to the sword. There is a sacred grove attached to the Illom and in it are a Serpent Shrine and a well. Condemned Hindus were marched to the shrine, beheaded and thrown into the well.[22]
  • On the night of 14 November 1921, a large body of armed Moplah entered the house of Puzhikal Narayanan Nair, a wealthy landlord of Nannambra Amsom. They looted the house, carried off one of the girls and a boy captive, murdering the rest, except Narayanan, who escaped. Narayanan Nair trusted his Moplah watchmen, whom he engaged to watch his house and they turned traitors.The girl was rescued from the hands of the rebels after a detention of six weeks and after suffering indescribable indignities.[22]
  • A pregnant woman carrying 7 months was cut through the abdomen by a rebel and she was seen lying dead on the way with the dead child projecting out of the womb. Another, a baby of six months was snatched away from the breast of its own mother and cut into two pieces.[

 Attachment A (1) Statements of witness

  • Pdmanbhan, Adhikari, Puthur, Calicut mentions — " The Moplahs systematically looted all the houses, some houses being also burnt and destroyed. All the temples in the neighborhood, about a dozen in number, have been destroyed and the idols completely broken." [22]
  • Narrated by refugee: In my Amsom several men and women and children have been murdered by Moplahs. Dead bodies of children and grown up men and women were floating in the river. [22]
  • Narrated by refugee: The Keravallur Bhagavathi temple — Karimkali Kavu, Ettaparambil Vishnu Kshetram, Aiyappan Kavu, and these temples have been partly destroyed and the idols have been dug up and removed. [22]( In total, excess of 100 temples were destroyed or desecrated.)
  • Narrated by refugee: There are six temples in the Amsom, all of them have been destroyed and desecrated and cows slaughtered in the premises and the idols were garlanded with the entrails and the skulls hung in various places in the temples. Six Hindus have been murdered and about 15 houses burnt by the rebels. About sixty persons were forcibly converted.[

Appendix I:

(a) Brutally dishonoring women, 

(b) Flaying people alive, 

(c) Wholesale slaughter of men, women and children, 

(d) Forcibly converting people in thousands, and murdering those who refused to be converted in utter cold blood.

(e) Throwing half-dead people into wells, and leaving the victims for hours, to struggle till finally released from their sufferings by death. 

(f) Burning a great many and looting practically all Hindu and Christian houses, in the disturbed area, in which even Moplah women and children took part, and robbing women, of even the garments on their bodies, in short reducing the whole non-Moslem population to abject destitution. 

(g) Cruelly insulting the religious sentiments of the Hindus, by desecrating and destroying numerous temples, in the disturbed area, killing cows within the temple precincts, putting their entrails on the holy images and hanging the skulls on the walls and roofs

Historical precedent leading up to the aforementioned  “rebellion”

Since the death of Tipu in 1792, the Malabar region had witnessed attacks by Moplahs on Hindus, and also attacks specifically on Hindus who tried to reconvert back to Hinduism, after Tipu's death. The report by C. Gopalan Nair, clearly shows a pattern of murders by the Moplahs the earliest being recorded in 1836, consistently year after year, leading to the 1921 riots. The Moplah resistance was not aimed at the British from 1836 to 1920. It was aimed at consolidation of the Muslim religion in Malabar district, to make sure Muslims did not re-convert, and also to instill fear of Muslims in that area, to push Hindus out of the area. The following events were taken word by word from the ref [22]

  • November 26, 1836. Pandalur, Brnad. Kallingal Kunholan stabbed one Chakku Pannikar of the Kanisan caste
  • April 15, 1837. Kalpatta, Ernad. Ali Kutti of Chengara Amsom inflicted severe wounds on one Narayana Moosad and took post in his own shop
  • April 5, 1839. Pallipuram, Walluvanad. Thorayam Pulakal Athan and another, of Pallipuram Amsom, Walluvanad Taluk killed one Kellil Raman and then set fire to and burnt a Hindu Temple
  • April 6, 1839. Mambattodi Kuttiathan severally wounded one Paru Taragan and a Taluk peon
  • April 19, 1840. Irimbulli, Ernad. Parathodiyil Ali Kutti severely wounded one Odayath Kunhunni Nayar and another, and set fire to Kidangil temple
  • April 5, 1841, Pallipuram, Walluvanad. Tumba Mannil Kunyunnian and eight others killed one Perumballi Nambudiri and another at Pallipuram, burnt the house of the latter victim
  • November 13th, 1841. Kaidotti Padil Moidin Kutti and seven others killed one Tottasseri Tachu Pannikar and a peon
  • November 77, 1841. Pallipuram, Walluvanad, On the 17th of the same month some Moplahs estimated at 2,000 set at defiance a Police party on guard over the spot where the above criminals have been buried
  • December 27, 1841, Ernad Melemanna Kunyattan, with 7 others killed one Talappil Chakku Nair
  • October 19, 1843. Tirurangadi. Kunnancheri Ali Attan and 5 others killed one Kaprat Krishna Pannikar, the Adhigari of Tirurangadi
  • December 19, 1843. A peon was found with his hand and he head all but cut off ( suspected to be committed by Moplahs)
  • August 25, 1849. Ernad and Walluvanad. Torangal Unniyan killed one Paditodi Theyunni and with Attan Gurukkal and others killed three persons and took post in the temple at Manjeri defiled the temple and partly burnt it.
  • October 2, 1850. Puliyakadu, Ernad. The sons of Periambath Attan, the Moplah Adhigari, bad concerted, with others to kill one Mungamdambalatt Narayana Moosad and to devote themselves to death
  • January 5, 1851. Payyanad, Ernad. Choondyamoochikal Attan attacked and wounded severely a clerk, named Raman Menon 
  • January 4, 1852. Mattanur, Kottayam. Choriyot Mayan and fourteen others supported by a mob of two- hundred Moplahs butchered all the inmates; 18 in number, of Kalattil Kesavan Tangal's house and extirpated the family
  • August 9, 1852. Kurumbranad. Three Moplahs took up a position in the house of a village accountant (Puttur) and had . resolved to die as Sabjda (martyr). They wounded a Brahmin and were killed by the Police
  • September 16, 1853, Angadipwam, Walluvunad. Kuaaumal Moidin and Cherukavil Moidin murdered Chengalary Vasudevan Nambudiri and not getting any recruits, made their appearance on the top of a hill near Angadipuram.
  • September 12, 1855. Calicut. Three Moplahs Valasseri. Emalu, Puliyakunat Tenu, Chemban Moidin Kutti and Vellattadayyatta Parambil Moidin escaped from their working party of Jail convicts', at Calicut and proceeded to Walluvanad. On 12th they murdered Collector Mr. Conolly at his Bungalow.
  • 8 September 1873, Parol, Walluvanad Kunhappa Musaliar visited the Velichapad or Oracle of Tuthekil temple, struck him. several blows with a sword and left him for dead. 
  • Sept. 9, 1880, Melattur, Walluvanad. M. Ali deliberately cut the throat of a Cheruma lad who had become a convert to Islam and had reverted.
  • June, 18, '84. Kannancheri Raman who had previously embraced and subsequently renounced Islam was attacked in a most savage manner by two Moplahs. He however made his escape.
  • Dee. 28, 1884. This proposal rankled in the minds of the Moplahs and one Kolakadan Kuttyassan and 1 1 others proceeded to the house of Raman's brother Choyikutti who was greeted by a volley of firearms carried by the Moplahs. Choyikutty and his son were wounded and the Moplahs set fire to his house. They left Malappuram and on the way mortally wounded a Brahmin and proceeded to Trikalur Temple. The troops and the police surrounded the temple and opened fire. They effected an entrance by blowing in the doer, placing dynamite cartridges against it. 
  • 1 May 1885. A gang of Mappilas, consisting of T. V. Veran Kutti and eleven others broke open the house of aCheruman (slave caste) called Kutti Kariyanand murdered him, his wife, and four of their children, and set fire to the house and a neighbouring temple. The^pctirn had become a convert to Islam many years ago and had reverted to his original religion fourteen years ago. 
  • 11 August 1885. A Mappilla named Unni Mammad entered the house of Krishna Pisharodi under the pretence of buying paddy. At that ti me the Pisharodi was bathing. Mammad Unni rushed past the attendants and with one blow of a hatchet, inflicted a mortal wound on Pisharodi's head. 
  • In 1894, a gang of Moplahs in Pandicad started on the war-path. They wandered about; defiling and burning temples where-ever they could, besides attacking and killing such Nairs and Brahmins as fell in their way. 
  • On 25-2-1896 a gang of twenty Moplahs went out on the war-path from Chembrasseri Amsom and for five days in ever increasing numbers terrorised the countryside ; Hindus were murdered or their ' Kudumis ' cut off, and they were summarily converted to Islam. Temples were desecrated and burnt, Houses were looted in the search for food, money and arms. Finally on March 1 hard pressed by the pursuit of the troops, the fanatics entered the Manjeri Karanammulpad's temple.
  • In February 1919, a gang of fanatics headed by a dismissed Moplah Head-Constable, began to give trouble. Following their usual methods they broke into and denied the temples, killed almost every Brahmin and Nair who fell in their way and finally died in resistance to the Police Force sent out against them.

Attachment A (2)

Petition to Lady Reading by Her siren Highness the Rani of Nilambur


We, the Hindu women of Malabar of varying ranks and stations in life who have recently been overwhelmed by the tremendous catastrophe known as the Moplah Rebellion, take the liberty to supplicate your Ladyship for sympathy and succor.

Your Ladyship is doubtless aware that though our unhappy district has witnessed many Moplah outbreaks in the course of the last one hundred years, the present rebellion is unexampled in its magnitude as well as unprecedented in its ferocity.

But it is possible that your Ladyship is not fully apprised  of all the horrors and atrocities perpetrated by the fiendish rebels; of the many wells and tanks filled up with the mutilated, but often only half dead bodies of our nearest and dearest ones who refused to abandon the faith of our fathers; of pregnant women cut to pieces and left on the roadsides and in the jungles, with the unborn babe protruding from the mangled corpse; of our innocent and helpless children torn from our arms and done to death before our eyes and of our husbands and fathers tortured, flayed and burnt alive; of our hapless sisters forcibly carried away from the midst of kith and kin and subjected to every shame and outrage which the vile and brutal imagination of these inhuman hell-hounds could conceive of; of thousands of our homesteads reduced to cinder-mounds out of sheer savagery and a wanton spirit of destruction; of our places of worship desecrated and destroyed and of the images of the deity shamefully insulted by putting the entrails of slaughtered cows where flower garlands used to lie or else smashed to pieces; of the wholesale looting of hard-earned wealth of generations reducing many who were formerly rich and prosperous to publicly beg for a piece or two in the streets of Calicut, to buy salt or chilly or betel-leaf - rice being mercifully provided by the various relief agencies.

These are not fables

During the early phase of the rebellion, the targets were primarily the jenmis and His Imperil Majesty’s Government. Crimes committed by some of the rebels were accepted by leaders.Very quickly it turned out aimed at Hindus irrespective of their caste. After the proclamation of Martial law and the arrival of the British army, when some members of the Hindu community were enlisted by the army to provide information on the rebels

Once they had eliminated the minimal presence of the government, the Moplahs turned their full attention to attacking Hindus while Ernad and Walluvanad were declared Khilafat kingdoms

 Special Mention in report  A (1)

Views expressed by the Right honorable   Sir Chettur Sankaran Nair, CIE Advocate general of Madras

"The horrid tragedy continued for months. Thousands of Mahomedans killed, and wounded by troops, thousands of Hindus butchered, women subjected to shameful indignities, thousands forcibly converted, persons flayed alive, entire families burnt alive, women it is said hundreds throwing themselves into wells to avoid dishonor, violence and terrorism threatening death standing in the way of reversion to their own religion. This is what Malabar in particular owes to the Khilafat agitation, to Gandhi and his Hindu friends."[ 


Name of
population (1921)
population (1921)

According to official records, the British government lost 43 troops with 126 wounded while 2337 rebels were killed, another 1652 injured and 45,404 imprisoned. Unofficial estimates put the number at 10,000 Mappilas killed and 50,000 imprisoned, of who 20,000 were deported (mainly to the penal colony in the Andaman Islands) while around 10,000 went missing

Official estimates of forced religious conversions were put at 180, but unofficial estimates suggest a figure of between 1000 and 1500. Arya Samaj sources reported a number of 1766, adding that the total might exceed 2500

Action taken by   government forces

During the early phase of the rebellion, the targets were primarily the jenmis and the Government. Crimes committed by some of the rebels were accepted by leaders.Very quickly it turned out aimed at Hindus irrespective of their caste. After the proclamation of Martial law and the arrival of the British army, when some members of the Hindu community were enlisted by the army to provide information on the rebels. [2][6] Once they had eliminated the minimal presence of the government, the Moplahs turned their full attention to attacking Hindus while Ernad and Walluvanad were declared Khilafat kingdoms.

By the end of 1921, the situation was brought under control. The district administration with the raising of a special quasi-military (or Armed Police) battalion, the Malabar Special Police (MSP), initially consisting of non-Muslims and trained by the Indian Army. The MSP then attacked the rioters and eventually subdued them.

Criminals Booked

The following were the various leaders of the movement who were sentenced to death following the Moplah riots

  • Ali Musaliar (leader of the movement)
  • Kunhi Kadir, Khilafat Secretary, Tanur
  • Variankunnath Kunhammad Haji
  • Kunhj Koya, Thangal, president of the Khilafat Committee, Malappuram
  • Koya Tangal of Kumaramputhur, Governor of a Khilafat Principality
  • Chembrasseri Imbichi Koya Thangal (notorious for his killing of 38 men by slashing the necks and throwing them into a well)
  • Palakamthodi Avvocker Musaliar
  • Konnara Mohammed Koya Thangal

 Special Attachment A

Ms. Annie besent’s observations and scathing criticism of Barrister Gandhi’s stand on the issue

“It would be well if Mr. Gandhi be taken into Malabar to see with his own eyes the ghastly horror which have been created by his preaching and of his “loved brothers” Mohammed and Shukla Ali. Mr. Gandhi asked the Moderates to compel the Government to suspend hostilities, i.e. to let loose the wolves to destroy what lives are left.  The Murderers, the looters, the ravishers have put into practice the teachings of paralyzing the Government by making war on the Government in their own way.

            How does Mr. Gandhi like the Mopla spirit, as shown by one of the prisoners in the hospital, who was dying from the results of asphyxiation?  He asked the surgeon, if he was going to die and the surgeon answered that he feared he would not recover. “Well, I am glad that I killed 14 infidels” said the ‘Brave, God-fearing Mopla’, whom Mr. Gandhi so much admires who “are fighting for what they consider” as religion, and in a manner they consider as religious”.  Men who consider it “religious” to murder, rape, loot, to kill women and little children, cutting down whole families, have to be put under restraint in any civilized society.

            Mr. Gandhi was shocked when some Parsi ladies had their saris torn on, and very properly, yet the God fearing hooligans had been taught that it was sinful to wear foreign cloth, and doubtless felt they were doing a religious act; can he not feel a little sympathy for thousands of women left with only rage, driven from home, for little children born of the dying mothers on roads in refugee camps?  The misery is beyond description.  Girl wives, pretty and sweet, with eyes half blind with weeping, distraught with terror, women who have seen their husbands backed to pieces before their eyes, in the way “Moplahs consider as religious”, old women tottering, whose faces become written with anguish and who cry at a gentle touch and a kind look waking out of a stupor of misery only to weep, men who have lost all - hopeless, crushed, desperate.  I have walked among thousands of them in the refugee camps, and sometimes heavy eyes would lift as a cloth was laid gently on the bare shoulder and a faint watery smile of surprise would make the face even more piteous than the stupor.  Eyes full of appeal, of agonized despair, of hopeless entreaty, of helpless anguish, thousands of them camp after camp, “Shameful inhumanity proceeding in Malabar “says Mr. Gandhi Shameful inhumanity indeed. Wrought by the Moplahs, and where are the victims, saved from extermination by British and India swords. For be it remembered the Moplahs began the whole home business; the Government intervened to save their victims and these thousands have been saved.  Mr. Gandhi would have hostility suspended – so that the Moplahs may sweep down on the refugee camps, and finish their work”.

 Let me finish within beautiful story told to me. Two Playas the lowest of the submerged classes were captured with others and given the choice between Islam and Death.  These, the outcast of Hinduism, the untouchables, so loved the Hinduism which had been so unkind a step-mother to them that they chose to die Hindus rather than to live Muslim.  May the God of both, Muslim and Hindus send his messengers to these heroic souls, and give them rebirth into the faith for which they died."

Special annexure to the report

Preliminary report in to the malabar rebellion 1920-38

Authored by the Committee of Distinguished Citizens  

Malabar district

Madras Presidency

Truth is infinitely of more paramount importance than Hindu Muslim unity or Swaraj and therefore we tell the Maulana Sahib and his co-religionists and India's revered leader Mahatma Gandhi – if he too is unaware of the events here – that atrocities committed by the Moplahs on the Hindus are unfortunately too true and that there is nothing in the deeds of Moplah rebels which a true non-violent, non-co-operator can congratulate them for ... Their wanton and unprovoked attack on the Hindus, the all but wholesale looting of their houses in Ernad, Valluvanad, Poanmani and Calicut Tali; the forcible conversion of Hindus in a few places in the beginning of the rebellion and the wholesale conversion of those who stick to their homes in the later stages, the brutal murder of inoffensive Hindus, men, women and children in cold blood without the slightest reason except that they are Kafirs or belong to the same race as the policemen, who insulted their Tangals or entered their mosques, the desecration and burning of Hindu temples, the outrage on Hindu women and their forcible conversion and marriage by Moplahs; do these and similar atrocities proved beyond the shadow of a doubt by the statements recorded by us from the actual sufferers who have survived, deserve any congratulations? On the other hand, should they not call forth the strongest condemnation from all right minded men and more especially from a representative body of Mohamedans like the Khilafat conference pledged to non-violence under all provocation? Did the Moplahs, who committed such atrocities, sacrifice their lives in the cause of their religion?”

Officer’s special note to his Lordships

Dear Sirs,

It is this servant’s humblest prayer that the afore mentioned people be executed and the victim’s duly compensated and justice delivered to the departed 


KT Rogers

Commissioner (Law and order) Lower Malabar Range 

Southern region Malabar district

Madras Presidency


Classification: Secret Level 3

Copy to:

Director General Malabar Special Police

Police Head Quarters Madras

Inspector General Madras Police 

Sectary to the Government of Madras

GOC Madras area Indian Army

 Carbon Copy: Central sectriate New Delhi

  GHQ India Command  /Central Intelligence Department

Viceroy’s office     

Renjith had still not found the two things he was looking for

One was the fact that what happened to his grandmother and the second was what has happened

And who else got caught up in this carnage???